Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Oxicodine 10mg


Oxycodine is a common misspelling of oxycodone.

What is oxycodone (oxycodine)?

Oxycodone (oxycodine) is a narcotic (opiate-type) pain reliever used to treat moderate to severe chronic pain, such as cancer pain. It acts on certain area in the brain to provide pain relief. Oxycodone (oxycodine) should not be used as needed for mild pain which will go away in a few days or for prevention of pain after surgery. If you have not been on oxycodone (oxycodine) before surgery, you should not use it for acute pain in the first 12 to 24 hours after surgery.

Oxycodone (oxycodine) may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.

Before taking oxycodone (oxycodine), tell your doctor if you are allergic to it, or to other similar narcotic pain relievers such as codeine or hydrocodone.

Oxycodone (oxycodine) side effects include nausea, vomiting, constipation, mild itching, drowsiness, dry mouth, lightheadedness, loss of appetite and weakness

sumber: http://www.drugs.com/misspellings/oxycodine.html

1 comment:

  1. Why is it prescribed to take after surgery if not recommended
